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The Impact of Diabetes on Hearing Loss
Diseases and Conditions

The Impact of Diabetes on Hearing Loss

Research has established a clear link between diabetes and hearing loss, suggesting that individuals with diabetes are more prone to experiencing hearing impairments. Studies have shown that people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop hearing loss as those without the condition.

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Senior Health

Incontinence Issues Are A Concern For Seniors

Incontinence Issues Are A Concern For Seniors


Urinary incontinence occurs when the muscles within and surrounding the bladder do not function normally. …

Depression Can Affect An Elderly Person At Any Time

Depression Can Affect An Elderly Person At Any Time


Have you ever felt isolated and indifferent towards things and activities that you once enjoyed? …

Falling Is A Concern Among The Elderly

Falling Is A Concern Among The Elderly


Falling is an extremely common experience amongst the elderly. Each year, millions of seniors around …

Memory Health and Cognitive Decline

Seniors Worry About Their Memory Health and Cognitive Decline


In life, memories are among the most cherished things we possess. When we bond with …

Healthy Living

Stress and Sleep Deprivation

Break The Stress and Sleep Deprivation Cycle

Stress is one of the main reasons behind sleep deprivation, and the cycle goes round and round, as a lack of sleep can also add to your stress.

Boost Your Immune System

Quality Sleep Boosts Your Immune System

Feeling under the weather? It might be because you lack sleep. The importance of a …

Diet and nutrition

Are Food Cravings a Sign of a Nutritional Deficiency_

Are Food Cravings a Sign of a Nutritional Deficiency?


Food cravings are defined as an intense desire and longing for a particular type of …

Macronutrients and Micronutrients Explained

Macronutrients and Micronutrients Explained


Your diet and nutrition are one of the most fundamental aspects of your lifestyle. You …

The Six Stages of Nutrition For Optimal Health


Eating healthy is more than just eating fruits and vegetables and putting as many colors …

Balanced Bites: Understanding the Essentials of a Healthy DieT

Balanced Bites: Understanding the Essentials of a Healthy Diet


In this guide, we delve into the core components of what makes a diet nourishing …

Heart Health

Heart Disease In Men

The Prevalence of Heart Disease in Men

One of the most important conditions in men’s health is heart disease. Unfortunately, coronary artery …

Cardiovascular Disease and Male Health

Cardiovascular disease or CVD refers to any conditions relating to the heart and blood vessels and is a major problem concerning men’s health

Weight Loss


Are Fat-Burning Foods Effective For Weight Loss?


Fat-burning food is a term used to describe nutrient-dense foods that are believed to promote …

Reduce Calorie Intake - An Effective Strategy For Weight Loss

Reduce Calorie Intake – An Effective Strategy For Weight Loss


You can lose weight in various ways. Some are easy to do, and some are …

The Power of a Food Diary

The Power of a Food Diary – Track Your Progress and Stay on Track


Are you looking at different weight loss strategies because you need something more to help …

Are Fat-Burning Foods Effective For Weight Loss?

Psychology of Weight Loss – Start Thinking Thin


If you are trying to change anything in your life, one of the first things …

Mental Health

Depression Can Affect An Elderly Person At Any Time

Depression Can Affect An Elderly Person At Any Time

Have you ever felt isolated and indifferent towards things and activities that you once enjoyed? …

Depression and Anxiety in Men

Depression and anxiety are serious conditions that affect your physical, emotional and mental health. On average one in 7 men between 16 – 24