Benefits of Physical Activity and Fitness


Do you consider yourself physically healthy, where you can climb a flight of stairs and feel good when you get to the top? Or are you grasping the handrail totally out of breath? Regardless of which scenario fits you, it’s important to be physically healthy even if you are not physically fit like a star athlete.

Perhaps you hate hearing about the need for doing physical activities and fitness routines because it doesn’t interest you. Or perhaps you feel you don’t have the time or energy for regular exercise anyway.

However, if you’re feeling low in energy, you get sick quite frequently, and you just can’t perform your daily activities efficiently, you’ll have to think twice about your physical fitness. If you are physically fit, you can enjoy several benefits in various aspects of your life – physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Improved Memory and Brain Function

Physical activity and fitness can help sharpen your memory and improve brain function. When you move your body, hormones called endorphins are released, making you feel good and helping you concentrate.

Movements, such as exercise, play a role in stimulating the growth of new brain cells and slowing down a decline in brain function as you age. You can think better, solve problems more quickly, learn new things, and balance your emotions.

Increased Energy Levels

When you are physically healthy you will notice that you have enough energy to perform your day-to-day activities.

For instance, you can finish your house chores without tiring or feeling fatigued, or if you are at work, you can perform better and not feel like you want to slump at your desk.

Physical activities increase your heart rate, which pumps up your energy levels and gives you the strength to perform your tasks. That’s because different systems in your body, particularly your cardiovascular system, receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to function.

Lowered Risk of Chronic Diseases

Regular physical activities help your body regulate blood pressure and keep your cholesterol levels at healthy levels. As you become physically healthier you lower the risk of developing many diseases or illnesses.

Physical fitness can help you be less susceptible to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and some cancers (e.g., lung, kidney, breast, etc.).

Stronger Bones and Muscles Reduce Risk of Injury

Do you feel joint pain and muscle weakness? If you are a senior person, that’s because they deteriorate due to aging. However, the rate that aging affects a person can be positively impacted by their level of fitness.

The good news is that you can slow down the deterioration when you engage more in physical activities. The more you use your bones, muscles, and joints, the stronger they become and the better they can support your body.

When you are fitter you have improved flexibility and stability, which help you avoid injuries as you move around. It means that you won’t easily fall, slip, or tumble, which are common problems as people become older.

Better Sleep Quality

Physical activity and fitness help regulate sleep cycles so you get quality sleep every night. Exercise aids in decreasing the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep when you are lying in bed. When you are physically fit, you don’t get sleepy during the day or get tired easily. Physical activities also benefit your sleep indirectly, such as by preventing excessive weight gain that could otherwise cause sleep problems.

Reduced Anxiety and Depression

Physical fitness and mental health are interconnected. Moving your body regularly can improve your mood, reduce depression and anxiety, and boost your immune system to fight stress. Physical movements stimulate the production of different brain chemicals, such as serotonin and endorphins.

Also, physical activities distract you, so you forget about your worries for a while. They also help you cope better and build resilience, and because you get well-rested at night, you wake up in a better mood.

Longer Lifespan

Physical activity and fitness can also increase your life expectancy, and several studies can back that up. The more physically active you are, the healthier you are, so you are more likely to live longer. On the flip side, if you don’t engage in physical activities that much, it’s going to take a toll on your body. You will feel weaker and weaker, and you will have increased risks of developing chronic diseases and mental health problems.

In Summary

Physical activity and fitness bring an array of benefits physically, mentally, and emotionally.

They make you physically stronger, more flexible, and more energized. You feel rested which boosts your mood. You also reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.

You also have better control of your weight. This one goes without saying.

If you are sedentary you usually gain weight. If you are physically active you can manage your weight better. If you haven’t been physically active for a while, it’s not too late to improve your physical health. Start small and get moving. That can help you go a long way to better fitness and longer life!

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